Midweek Devotion 27 November 2024


Matthew 6:33

But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.


From Wikiart, open source

This week's painting was created by one of my favorite artists, Henry Ossawa Tanner.  Entitled "The Thankful Poor" it dates from 1894.  Currently held by a private foundation, it occasionally appears in special exhibits, last appearing publicly at the Dallas Museum of Art in 2020.  This was the last of Tanner's Black Cultural works as he moved on to focus on religious subjects.  My long-time readers know that his rendering of the Annunciation is my all-time favorite painting.  

I think of this work as a hinge piece in his development.  It is a religious painting in its own way.  An older man prays with great dignity, reinforced by the high-backed chair he sits in.  The man's face is in shadow as the only source of light is the window behind him.  The light diffused by the sheer fabric of the curtain.  The young boy sits on a box, perhaps emulating the older man.  His face is visible in the light.  The meal before them is sparse.  The space around them is equally sparse.  Nothing decorates the wall.  This is in contrast to many other period pieces that showed the abundance of food in other parts of American culture.  Or think of a Norman Rockwell work from the 1950's.  It has a very different emotion.

Reflect on the dignity of man and the boy in this painting.  With the little they have; they are striving to honor God in their prayerful posture.  I imagine the possibility of what happens next as they share the meal and perhaps smile and enjoy one another's company.  While it seems like an obvious exercise, I invite you today, dear reader, to take a moment and note all the things you have to be thankful for.  Maybe it's that you have the electricity and a device to even read this wee blog!  I suspect there are many, many more things though.  Write them down!  May your inventory grow your own sense of grace, gratitude and generosity...for that is what brings God's Glory into the world.


God of abundant generosity, source of all blessing, we give you thanks for this special celebration of Thanksgiving: a cherished day to be with family and friends around the table of the Lord and around the family table. We have much to be thankful for—loving relationships, good health, meaningful work and time for play. Bless all those who do not enjoy these pleasures, especially the poor, sick, and lonely. May we share what we have been given with others, mindful that all that is good comes from You.

Please accept our feelings of gratitude and make those feelings our prayer of thanksgiving. We ask this in the name of Jesus the Christ, and through the power of the Holy Spirit.


(Prayer by: Rev. Herb Yost, C.S.C.)